Friday, September 20, 2024

Storm got houses in Nasirnagar damaged, over half of the villages are without electricity


The recent Kalbaishakhi storm has damaged at least forty residential houses, many shops, and duck-chicken farms in Brahmanbaria’s Nasirnagar upazila. Damage to the transmission lines, meters, and electricity poles has disrupted the entire upazila’s electrical supply system. As of Monday afternoon, four of the eight feeders in the upazila had a partial electrical supply. In the upazila, there are still at least 66 villages without electricity.

Last night, at half past seven and nine, a Kalbaishakhi storm swept over Nasirnagar upazila. Representatives and locals have informed us that the storm has damaged at least forty residential houses in different villages inside the upazila. Fifteen large electrical poles, as well as seven large ones, have toppled in Beruin village’s upazila. Large trees have fallen on the electrical wires in at least thirty separate locations. In different parts of the upazila, ten to twelve huge trees have fallen on the energy transmission wires.

The staff of the district project implementation office has been informed that there have been damages caused to nine houses in the district headquarters, three in Kulikunda, ten in Dantmandal, five in Nasirpur, four in Dhankura, and eight to ten houses in Monirpur village in the forthcoming month of Baishakh.

Reports indicate that the district has lost at least 200 to 250 meters. Nasirpur village, located in the district headquarters, has forty metres among them. Eight feeders that supplied 132 villages in the area lost their electricity supply yesterday night and into this afternoon. By four o’clock this afternoon, four feeders had a partial power supply restored. More than half of the district’s villages are still unable to receive electricity.

The storm, according to locals, blew off the roofs of numerous tin-shed buildings nearly two kilometers away. The storm snapped tree branches in every impacted village, causing electricity wires to swing on them. The storm has caused several centuries-old Krishnachura trees to topple in various places.

The storm blew one of Ali Mia’s new semi-pucca tin-shed houses from Dantmandal village two kilometers away. The storm has caused damage worth about 3 lakh taka.

Muhammad Amzad Hossein, the Deputy Chief Executive of the Nasirnagar Rural Electrification Office, informed Prothom Alo that the impending Baishakh has most negatively impacted the district’s electrical system. In Beruin hamlet, fifteen huge poles, including seven at the district headquarters, have snapped in half. Electricity cables have fallen on trees in 30 spots, a distance of 200 to 250 meters. Among them, 40 enormous trees fell on the electrical wires in Nasirpur hamlet near the district headquarters, while 10 to 12 large trees fell on the district headquarters itself.

According to Amzad Hossen, the sub-district has eight feeders in total. By late afternoon, it is feasible to partially connect four feeders to the electrical grid. There is still no electricity in more than half of the subdistrict. People there are having difficulties. Until late at night, it will take some time to provide energy to the entire subdistrict.

Conversely, the nor’wester has reportedly caused damage to at least 11 dwellings in the Vijaynagar sub-district of Jalal.

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