Friday, September 20, 2024

Cyclone Ilsa Devastates Seabird Populations on Bedout Island, Raises Global Concerns


A recent study has demonstrated that storm Ilsa, a powerful tropical storm classified as a category-5, resulted in a significant decline of 80-90% in the number of seabirds on Bedout Island, located in Western Australia. This serves as a clear indication of the detrimental effects of global warming. The results, which were published in the journal Communications Earth & Environment, emphasise the unsustainable damages that could arise due to the increasing frequency and intensity of cyclones.

Researchers documented that a severe weather event resulted in the eradication of more than 20,000 seabirds, which included mature individuals of the brown booby, lesser frigatebird, and the native masked booby species. Dr. Jennifer Lavers, the primary researcher of the study, highlighted the wider significance for seabirds worldwide, as these populations face challenges in their efforts to rebound in the face of escalating cyclone activity.

Dr. Alex Bond, the primary curator of avian species at the Natural History Museum, observed the unparalleled rates of death and emphasised that the progressing climate crisis worsens these effects by decreasing the time needed for recovery between occurrences. The study highlights the crucial significance of seabirds in preserving tropical reef ecosystems and emphasises the urgent necessity for measures to alleviate climate change.

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