Friday, September 20, 2024


Air Pollution Now the Second Biggest Health Risk for Children Under Five

Nearly 2,000 children under five die every day due to air pollution, making it the second biggest health risk for young children worldwide, according...

Marine Conservation Group Sues UK Government Over North Sea Oil and Gas Licences

Oceana UK, part of an international marine conservation organization, has launched a legal challenge against the UK government. The group claims that the government's...

The Reemergence of the Russell’s Viper in Bangladesh: A Growing Threat

The char areas and the Padma River districts in northwest Bangladesh have witnessed an alarming rise of the venomous Russell's viper snake in recent...

Bangladesh Faces Decreased Monsoon Rains and Rising Temperatures

In Bangladesh, the rainfall during the initial 17 days of June has been below the average, which is causing alarm among meteorologists due to...

Germany’s Climate Envoy Urges Immediate Action on 2030 Emissions Targets

Germany's climate ambassador, Jennifer Morgan, has stressed the urgent requirement for substantial reductions in emissions by 2030, refuting assertions that the Paris accord simply...

Revolutionary Approach to Wildlife Control: Contraceptives for Pests

Researchers in the United Kingdom and Europe are leading the way in developing an innovative approach to manage invasive and pest species: employing contraceptives....

Weather Alert for Inland River Ports: Rain and Thunderstorms Expected

The Meteorological Department has issued a weather warning specifically for the inland river ports of the country, starting at 1 pm on Saturday. The...

Kanuda Canal Revitalized with Thorough Cleanup and Future Development Plans

The Kanuda Canal in Shalikha upazila, Magura, has been thoroughly cleaned, leading to the restoration of water flow. Although the rubbish has been recently...